

engraving effect in Photoshop part2

Hello again;
let's now complete the tutorial of making engraving effect, we have explained in the first part  the way of blending the paths.
In this part we will use all the illustrator files that we have created, it will be the basis of the engraving process

In Photoshop
Open B5 file with 200 pixels/inch and put mosque photo and the texture (the texture will be used later)
actually this is not a usual photo of a mosque ... it is (The Dome of the Rock)  located in Jerusalem (Al-Quds)

Go to image> adjustment> desaturat, and adjust curves a little bit by pressing  ctrl + m and make it like this pic

copy the mosque layer 6 copies by selecting the layer and pressing ctrl + j (5) times
Now we will import vector files that we've created in the first part (lesson link), they are:
0,50 pt
0,75 pt
You have to resize all victor files to become the same size of the bag (b5) then make them pixlis (by right click on them and rasterize layers)
then make a copy of ( 3 pt)  (0,75pt) and flip the copies horizontal 
Hide all layers and prepare for work.

Hide all layers and prepare your self
Quick Review: We now have 6 layers of the mosque , as well as 6 layers for vectors files . and one for the texture

The next step will be repeated in all layers so be attention please:
The firs layer of the mosque: go to  image > adjustment > threshold
Threshold level = 230 ... We have 2 color pic

go to select> color range as the following image and press ok

keep the resulting selection and move on to a layer 0,50 pt then press the mask button

we will repeat the same process on the remaining layers, taking into account reducing 40 of the threshold value at a time:
layer (0.75) threshold level = 190
layer (0,75 copy) (which is copied from class 0.75) determine the threshold = 150
layer (2)  .... threshold = 110
layer (3 copy)  .... threshold = 70
layer (3) ..... threshold = 30
 don't forget to determine color range everytime

The result (after hide all layers of the mosque and show  the vectors layers) are as follows:

It almost final result, but with some improvements on 2pt layer, we will click on the mask and then with brush tool (black color) ease the upper part of the mask.. Shown in the following image

now put the texture under all layers

and make all layers overlay and 90 opacity 80

Well I hope Subscribe the blog

the video of this tutorial: